our team

department of life sciences and system’s biology (dbios)

Prof. Varese Giovanna Cristina

Project leader

Prof. Bertea Cinzia Margherita

Antioxidant analysis officer

Ferrero Davide

Production of fungal biomass

Spina Federica PhD

Fungal biomass production officer

department of agricultural, forestry and food sciences (DISAFA)

Biomass characterization and production of food prototypes

Prof. Zeppa Giuseppe

Responsible for analysis and production of food prototypes

Glicerina Virginia Teresa PhD

Prof. Gasco Laura

Biomass characterization manager

department of management “valter cantino”

Responsible for consumer survey and digital ethnography

Prof. De Bernardi Paola

Responsible for consumer survey and focus group

Prof. Pera Rebecca

Consumer survey and focus group supervisor

Forliano Canio PhD

Focus group, digital ethnography and website coordinator

Guzzo Bonifacio Stefano